My previous post and a session with one of my clients got me thinking about feelings. My client had a really rough week, not due to any fault of their own. They were left with feelings of hopelessness, sadness and just not sure their life had a purpose. Difficult, overwhelming feelings. Many people have these feelings at one time in their life. During the session they described what actions they took, despite the feelings. They talked to a close friend, used comfort techniques, reached out for love and assurance. So, despite feeling totally overwhelmed and hopeless, they moved forward taking actions that could help them get to the other side of the experience.
I remind myself and others, feeling are neither good nor bad, they just are. Life is rich with feelings and experiences. To be human is to feel emotions, even the ones that are crappy.
To live a rich life, all emotions are allowed, hopelessness, joy, anger, contentment, fear and certainly, love. It is what actions are taken when we are moving through the kaleidoscope that is our life that make all the difference. Take actions that keep the emotions moving along, while reminding yourself and others that nothing remains the same, change is the only constant. And when joy and love show up, soak up all that wonderful energy and treasure the moment.
Have a very lovely day!\