Change Your Brain, Change Your World Part II

So let's start simply.  Intentions.  What you ask for is what you get.    Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, "what do I want to see in this day"?  I know what my morning habit is.  I have a strong tendency to grab my phone and check the weather, then the news, and don't you know most of the news is negative.  That is what sells, correct?  The news outlets are not in the business of setting up a positive expectation for my day.  Do I really need to list the ways we are setup to expect the negative throughout our day?  I didn't think so.

So before I reach for that phone.  I pause.  I engage my brain and ask myself, what do I want to see in my day?  Let's see, happiness, love, compassion, money.  Remember, what you ask for is what you get.  

So what is this, magic?  Stay tuned...