Good Vibrations
How do you start your day? The alarm goes off, you open your eyes, shake off the sleepiness and then...Like so many people do you reach for your cell phone? I know I am guilty. I need to check the news, facebook, weather, all before my feet hit the floor. By then I may have allowed what I read or what I saw to set my mood for the morning and often times that means I am not expecting good things to happen.
Lately I have been trying something different. When I wake up, I set my intentions for that day. This is different from setting a schedule or attempting to set a particular emotion. I think and even say my intentions out loud, such as Love, Healing, Contentment. This means during this day I will expect Love, Healing and Contentment to be present in my life in some form. I then look for examples of each as I go about my work and leisure.
I will notice for instance, my dog Luna leaning against my leg, asking for a cuddle. OK, that is Love. Or I catch up with a family member I have not seen in a long time, that is love, and a bit of healing mixed together. You get the picture. Try it, you may really like it.